Visit to Diourbel and Thiés
Today, we paid a visit to the women GIE based in Diourbel and Deendey couture to discuss products that WOW will probably neeed, particularly bracelets and bags. for that occasion, we invited Seni from Entreprise Bracelets because she was working in partnership with that GIE.
We left the office at 7o'clock am to attain Diourbel around 10o'clock.Once there we discussed the products we were asking for, they had exhited some samples of bracelets with many different designes and colours. At end of our discussion, they agreed to make us bracelets with a suitable design and according to the Wow main colours... we also asked to make some bracelets mixing these colours.
We left there at midday and called on Dendey couture. We got to thiès around 1o'clock p.m, finding Mouminou, the Dendey couture owner a bit ill. After salamecs, we explained her the reason for our visit. She made us certain she would be able to make bags according to our needs and wants.But unfortunately, she hadn't any sample of bay because it was not her main product. She promised to call us soon to give the right prices and costs related to the bags producing.
After taking lunch, we left there to attain at 6o'clock p.m. Seni ensured us she would to the office on friday bringing necklaces.
Feasibility Considerations
Because we spent a fair amount of time preparing this feasibility study – and we believe these kind of studies should increasingly provide the foundation for WOW’s due diligence process – I thought I would touch on this a bit in this blog post. Benn Loxo is a women’s cooperative that processes a diversity of seafood products native to the Joal region. These include a variety of fish and shellfish that are dried, salted and smoked through artisanal methods. The waters around Joal are among the most fish-abundant in West Africa and this draws considerable attention from local and international traders. Women have traditionally processed and traded these products, but because they are rarely organized into cooperatives they tend to be exploited by outside buyers who at times force them to sell their products for as little as 100 CFA/kilo ($0.25/kilo). Benn Loxo – which means “one arm” in Wolof – was begun to strengthen the ability of Joal’s women to collectively bargain with buyers and generate better returns on their labor. At 157 members strong, the cooperative has the potential to do just that.
Recently the cooperative’s founder Fatoumata Ndiaye Lo provided WOW with an urgent funding request for 3 million CFA (approximately $7,500) to provide working capital to take advantage of the brief and lucrative octopus fishing season. While their concept was reasonable, WOW couldn’t act on it as quickly as Benn Loxo required because they were unable to provide any proof that this endeavor would be financially successful. Beyond this short-term project the cooperative has more ambitious plans to set up a central fish processing facility where the women could work as an organized unit (as opposed to their current loosely-organized structure), but have been unable to show that their objectives are attainable or feasible. This is in fact an obstacle to many of WOW’s portfolio companies, one that we are working hard to remedy. For this reason we took the initiative to prepare a feasibility study for Benn Loxo, but after speaking with Fatoumata it became clear that the cooperative was still in their preparatory stages and could not provide all of the necessary information to perform such a study.
Benn Loxo is not alone in its urgent requests for funding. One of WOW’s best organized and most promising portfolio companies – Marché.com – is seeking working capital to expand its operations and has good plan to carry this out. However, as our colleague Malick puts it, “these considerations are not simple,” and as WOW’s principle investment analyst he knows better than most. Malick explained that before WOW can disburse a new round of funding we need to put a new and better system in place to allow us to efficiently and responsibly respond to each requests. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, this is one of the responsibilities that the Summer Interns have taken on and we hope to make a solid contribution to such systems before the summer is out! Until next time,
Meeting with Ludo for the website implementation
- The layout of the website. We provided him with a detailed document which could potentially act as his site map as he begins designing.
- Website colors. We asked Ludo to work with the three WOW colours as the base; with blue being the potential focus for WOW investments. Linda sent us documents that have the three different color palettes – each focusing on either blue, orange or pink. We forwarded this to Ludo.
- Interactive and engaging website. We talked with Ludo about how we want the website to be interactive and engaging. This could be done by blogs, photographs, videos and allowing users to possibly add content as well. So that the website can ‘connect’ with those that have not been to Senegal, we explained that we would like to use a lot of images and pictures. Linda sent us pics from her previous visits to Senegal. Ludo will get back to us if the quality of the images is sufficient for the website.
- Using flash or not. Ludo explained the disadvantages of using Flash and how the Google crawler can have difficulties finding keywords. We told him that we will discuss this further with Linda and get back to him.
All in all, the meeting was very successful and we were able to make good progress. We will give him the green flag soon to start building sample pages for us and the US advisors to give feedback on.
Linda is going to discuss the website further with Caroline and get back to use regarding domain names we own and content for the different pages.
Thursday at the office...
Visit to Tissafric
New team, new challenges
There is not fortunately lot of work and we have already finished the company reports and proposed due diligences to WOW. We felt we have already honored our contract. We didn't plan to meet Linda today and she seemed to very busy. Besides, she has gone to ASNAP (an agency specialized in community development) with Christian to try and built a partnership.
After having lunch, Rose, Aicha and I got to Oxfam GB in order to receive the rest of our wage.
At our return to the office, we have finalized the remaining work.
We finally left round 6 o'clock pm, wishing Laurent and Sachiko a nice trip. They are going to leave tomorrow.
So, this is the end of our 45 days internship.
Meeting with Linda
Linda has arrived
She is an extremely busy person in San Francisco, and here in Dakar as well. Today, she quickly visited WOW office in the morning and left for 6 meetings in the afternoon... We plan to welcome her tomorrow again to discuss our findings and wrap-up our internship program.
All the teams are finishing the company reports, while working on establishing the draft of standerdized process of WOW's investment activities. After one cycle of investments with trials and errors, now it is important for WOW to start formulating the "standerdized" process.
We are working well, inspired by hot Beijing Olympic games.
completing due diligence process
Hi everybody, last post for me;
The WOW Team on Due Diligence
After another hot weekend in Dakar the Summer Intern team will meet again tomorrow morning to put our heads together on the important topic of creating a due diligence process to help improve the impact and mitigate the risks of WOW’s investments. During these short 5 weeks some of our most important and engaging work has come in brainstorm sessions with each of us giving out contributions. While working in teams has allowed us to focus on specific companies and their particular strengths, needs, and problems, it is also productive (and fun) to put our heads together. With Laurent at the white board taking down ideas and helping to steer our discussions, we have come to some important understandings that should help WOW to continue its current success.
Sadly, this is our last week together as a team, with Sachiko and Laurent scheduled to leave on Friday. But it is also one of the more important weeks we’ll work together as we will be joined by Linda, a WOW founder, and work closely with her and Suparna, WOW’s CEO, on a range of topics. This will provide an opportunity for the team to give feedback on our experience and report on what we recognize as the achievements and challenges ahead. One of the more important considerations at hand is adapting WOW’s due diligence process in order to make its investments and services to portfolio companies more effective. The team’s experience from the last few weeks has given us value impressions that allow us to identify best (and worst) practices and thereby provide suitable input to the topic of due diligence.
We expect that this week of meetings will give us the chance to bring our recent experience to the fore and demonstrate the positive results of WOW’s Summer Intern Program. We also look forward to a nice dinner out with Linda, hopefully accompanied by some good Senegalese music!
Until next time,
TissAfric and the "Manjaks"...
salut les amis
Wednesday 6th at WOW office: General meeting for "Projet Boutique" cooperative and Bio Essence originality
Meeting with Dendey couture's manager
New company analysis
We started by evaluating the process of WOW so far since the first investment of last year. Was our due-diligence process rigorous enough? If not, how should we do differently this year? Have we followed up the invested companies well enough so far?
After our brain storming session, we modified the evaluation form, and each team took two new companies to work on during last two weeks of this internship.
By the way, interns of last summer put "WACIF I" in the header of every report, but nobody this year knows what it stands for... Any idea?
Presenting our reports
We spent the morning at wow office discussing about our reports while Christian and Amara where in a meeting with the manager of the GIE benn loxo to complete some informations they needed.
In the afternoon, after having a lunch at wow's office, we went to oxfam to meet Suparna and talk with her about the work each group did with the portfolio companies. During that meeting we had the opportunity to discuss with Linda, one of the four founders of wow, about our reports and some of her expectations for this internship.
Next week we'll work on the new portfolio companies; looking forward!