
Friday at the office...

The office is in a great house with a lot of space/rooms that will allow WOW to provide training, exhibition, working spaces for the partners. Everything is getting set up day after day. There's more and more furniture. We have now white boards in the meeting room. A printer and 2 desktops arrived this morning and might get ready to work next week. It's very exciting to be part of an organization that is growing and getting structured for the next steps. 

Today was our 2nd brainstorming session, which focused on Entreprise Bracelets and the 2 workshops from Enda Ecopole. We kept the same analysis framework, since we felt it works well and trigger good discussions. Like on Wednesday, it went very smoothly. We thought that we could get more information about one of the workshops. Malick will try to get another appointment with the manager next week. Those working sessions are very good since, as we bring business ideas to the table, we need to consider the Senegalese culture and its specificities. It makes the discussions very enriching and valuable. 

Here comes the weekend. Everybody will have different activities. Sachiko and I plan to go to Saint-Louis. This should be a great opportunity to discover the country and visit a charming city :-)


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